Friday, 17 April 2015

Nitril Gloves

I have been using brushes to apply epoxy resin to glass cloth for skinning the hull of the yacht. Epoxy resin kills brushes dead, so the advice is to use cheap brushes, but cheap brushes shed hares and still cost around around £.1.99 for 12 and shed like Sh*t. and are about 1/4 inch....small.
I have been using Nitril gloves for applying the epoxy to the glass cloth with my fingers, I can apply pressure and skim the cloth of excess and so don't need to use a credit card for skimming. Even if I use one glove for each pass it will only cost 24p for four passes. I am very tactile and like to have control of my medium, it works for Me.

Epoxy Resin.

Glass Cloth.

Applied with fingers wearing Nitril gloves.

Just as accurate as a brush, applies better pressure and costs a fraction.

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